USD 312 continues to work with the Reno County Health Department to establish "Gating Criteria" that will aid the district in making decisions related to Covid-19 and which learning model will be in place. The district's back to school plan that is found on our website outlines three learning models: In-person, Hybrid, and Remote. The district has now adopted gating criteria to provide guidance in conjunction with the county health department. You can see this criteria attached to this information. Each Friday the district will collaborate with the Reno County Health Department and area school districts to determine if a change in our learning model is necessary. Any changes will then be shared with our communities/parents by lunchtime on Friday. It is always our hope to maintain an "in-person" model but we understand that increased numbers of cases could cause a change in that model. Our communication to you will include: district website, facebook, building level emails, and phone calls/texts through the alert system. We continue to be hopeful that we can offer our students the best learning possible during these unprecedented times.
USD 312 Gating Criteria
September 9, 2020